About My Services

Importance of your core beliefs

  • Achievable Goals

    Reveal and purse your secret dreams and aspirations

    Understand self sabotaging behaviors and break through limiting beliefs 

    Take inspired actions towards the change you desire

    Have confidence and excitement to live from your core being

    Cultivate self mastery and proudly take full responsibility for your actions and decisions

    Become powerfully present in the moment and understand how everything else is counterproductive

    Enhance your connection with your wisdom and intuition

    Learn to love, trust and respect yourself and your unique path

    Gain deeper understanding of your connectivity to all existence

    Experience more synchronicities and recognize their guidance

    Awaken to your divinity

    Become a role model and inspire others through your personal growth and transformation

    Build stronger will power and discipline to support your goals and dreams

    Learn new ways of looking at your life and the world

  • Deep Dive

    A deep dive into your subconscious is such a powerful place for awareness and a course correction on your life’s journey.

    By the end of our 3 hour session you will discover how and when your “core beliefs” were formed. Some of our core beliefs befit us but others limit us from stepping fully into our power and joyfully achieving our life’s mission.

    This is so relevant because we constantly create from our subconscious. This is not because we choose to operate from the subconscious. It simply is this way because the human is designed to operate from the subconscious.

    You will then discover how these beliefs have affected every aspect of the choices you’ve made in your life thus far. If you don’t consciously change them you will continue to make similar choices.

    The good news is, when you see all this with your conscious mind you will then be in a place of power to become free from any limiting beliefs that were either put upon you or self created in early childhood.

    Then together we see what your life would look like without them. This is such an adventageous action to get in touch with your true essence. It inspires and empowers you to make the changes needed to bring more authenticity, fulfillment, success and joy to your daily life. You will also become a role model for others.

    We might try to get to this point alone but without the guidance of a skilled and intuitive guide even our best efforts can remain hidden by the subconscious. Subconscious means; existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness. I promise that you will walk away from this session amazed, freer, and inspired.

  • One to One Coaching

    Like some of you, I didn’t grow up in a happy functioning home and deep down I suspected something was wrong, I secretly always wanted people everywhere to be happy. Then as a teenager I read a book called “Think Big” and it struck a cord deep inside me that faciliated an inner awakening. From a young age I have been on a mission to help others connect with their deepest selves and unlock their full potential.

    My way-shower coaching days started many years ago while balancing the responsibilities of raising my three children and working as a personal trainer, yoga, and fitness instructor. It was the frequent requests for private, one-on-one sessions with me that sparked my path as a coach.

    Unfortunately, I’ve witnessed how most times others around you don’t really want you to grow because unconsciously this ask them to do the same, which might be uncomfortable for them at this moment. The truth is, when we are surrounded by the same situations, same group of people and same mindset it is extremely hard to not remain stuck.

    When you are serious about your growth, having a coach who has firsthand experience and knowledge is an invaluable investment in your future. This is because personal development work will improve every aspect of your life such as relationships, finances, health and authentic joy.

    Over the years I have come across and experimented with so many tools, practices, and modalities. Some have worked and some have not worked for myself and others. Because each person is so unique I skip the script and cookie cutter approach and use my intuition to go directly to the tools that I suspect will most quickly and effectively help you. I will also use my gifts of Healing Energy to personally propel you. Walking with you as you soar is my motive and joy.

  • Energy Healing

    At the core principle of Energy Healing is the understanding of energy and the knowing that everything happens because of the vibrational rate of energy.

    This is indeed not a new concept, but one that has been known and lived by many throughout many civilizations dating back to Ancient Egypt as seen in the medical papyri.

    Modern scientist are finally beginning to catch on. There are countless stories and studies on the subject validating its potency, so much so, that hospitals are now implementing Energy Healing.

    For me, channeling energy is a state of intention and surrender. My first intention is always to be of selfless service, facilitating the flow of the highest vibrations or an essence to you. While I can hold intentions during a session, I’ve come to understand that it’s the groups or client’s higher self that draws forth precise essences or frequencies, tailored to their specific needs, creating the most beneficial experience for that session.

    As a practitioner of energy healing since 1993, I have been initiated into many different lineages (see more in my bio). Reiki and Magical Awakening are very accessible and I can initiate you into either lineage if you are interested in exploring them further. Below I share about the basic’s of these two lineages. In addition, I want to share about another system called the KES.

    Krystic Energy System

    The Krystic Energy Healing System (KES) is a technology developed by Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji, founders of TwinRay, based on their extensive knowledge of the human light body and Golden Age Science. My training in this modality has been a deep two-year study, during which I have received initiations that connect me to Cosmic, Galactic, Solar, and Earth fields, enabling me to go beyond traditional healing. KES works to accelerate your spiritual journey through an energetic exchange that connects you to specific frequency bandwidths and fields of consciousness. It helps you reconnect with your Higher Self and bring more of your Soul's light into the physical body, facilitating ascension to higher levels of consciousness and allowing you to access extraordinary healing potential. I have trained in all three levels of KES.

    Magical Awakening

    If you're new to hearing about Magical Awakening let me introduce you to a magical modality that is incredibly playful, versatile, and extremely potent. This modality is rooted in a shamanic Celtic tradition. As an initiate, you will receive initiations that combine the sacred power of the Three Cauldrons, three primary energy centers in the body, with Divine magical consciousness. There are eight levels in this system, each of which raises your frequency and provides you with advanced tools for healing and spiritual growth. In the first level, you receive Dragon Fire to burn out negative energy, The Grail for nurturing and restorative healing, and Arthurs Crown for wisdom and spiritual awakening. That is just the first level, there are 7 more levels beyond that. I was first introduced to Magical Awakening in 2011 and have received training in this modality under the guidance of my boss and mentor, Brett Bevell.


    Reiki is probably the most well heard of Energy Healing Modality. It’s origin come from Japan. Reiki means universal life force. Anyone can become attuned to this frequency which is then “channeled” to another for healings that can assist an individual on any aspect of their healing journey. Reiki has three levels of attunement, culminating in the Mastership level, which allows practitioners to initiate others into the modality.

  • Monthly Energy Healing Membership

    You can regularly receive a remote group healing every month during the full moon. Coming Soon. Join my mailing list to be the first to know.

  • Meditation

    Meditation is a way for you to allow your true nature to express itself. It’s much more a process of discovery than a goal to be accomplished. It’s really a state of “being” rather than a practice of doing. However, we use different “techniques” that have been passed down to us from the wise sages to help us embody these states so we are no longer a slave to our emotions, ego and sense pleasures. When we are ready to awaken and take responsibility for our personal evolution, meditation naturally crosses your path. Removing stress from our bodies and mind are literally just the beginning from a long list of obvious benefits we experience. There are many styles and ways to practice. It is important to know that you will only receive the benefits of meditation if you actually practice even if it is only for five minutes in the morning and five minutes in the evening.

  • Pranayama

    For over 20 years, my interest and focus with yoga and breath (pranayama) has been on the healing and self realization aspects. I can testify that yoga and pranayama are not a religion, they are a science that assists us in gaining greater insight and connection to the core of who we really are. 

    Because our breath is a bridge between the body and spirit, the seen and unseen worlds, the manifest and un-manifest, it has been a tool dating back thousands of years used by ancient sages as means to help oneself evolve into higher states of consciousness. 

    Modern day doctors and scientists are beginning to understand the effects our breath has on our current state of mind and physical well being. Because of the work I’ve personally done, I’ve never needed any scientific studies to inspire me. Yet, I am thrilled to witness so much validation of this ancient science from all types of experts so that even people who are not interested in yoga and pranayama are able to reap profound benefits. One major benefit is the calming and centering effect it has for people with anxiety. 

    The breath is so deeply connected to our nervous system and our thoughts which in turn shape our life situations.

    Check out my free video and introduction to pranayama under the content tab.  

  • Sacred Plant Medicine Retreats

    Coming soon! I will lead sacred retreats with other amazing therapists and healers. We are currently working on the details for a retreat located in Oregon, USA, along with other possible locations for the Spring of 2023. These retreats are extremely powerful and limited in size. Sign up for my mailing list and be the first to get all the details.